To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto, we need to change how we travel, the amount of energy we use,
the waste we produce and what we eat. Below is a list of key actions you can take to help TransformTO.

Each action has an impact rating of 1 to 3 leaves.
Actions with the highest potential greenhouse gas emission reduction have the highest impact rating.


Upgrade your windows and doors

Heat gained or lost through inefficient windows and doors can increase the energy used to heat and cool your home by 25 to 30%. When replacing your windows or doors, make sure they are ENERGY STAR® certified and hire a…
Heat gained or lost through inefficient windows and doors can increase the energy used to heat and cool your home by 25 to 30%. When replacing your windows or doors, make sure they are ENERGY STAR® certified and hire a professional installer to ensure they perform their best. Visit BetterHomesTO for more information on applicable rebates.
To do count: 1
Done count: 4

Eat less meat

Your food choices can have a significant impact on your overall carbon footprint. Agriculture is one of the key contributors to climate change globally. The lifecycle and production of meat, especially beef, generates greater greenhouse gas emissions than any other…
Your food choices can have a significant impact on your overall carbon footprint. Agriculture is one of the key contributors to climate change globally. The lifecycle and production of meat, especially beef, generates greater greenhouse gas emissions than any other food group. Reduce your beef and lamb consumption by substituting eco-friendly proteins (beans, legumes, poultry or seafood) to cut down on your overall carbon footprint by nearly 5%.
To do count: 14
Done count: 19

Store food properly to prevent spoilage

Globally, up to 30 % of food is thrown out and ends up in landfills. Preventing food spoilage at home can help reduce emissions associated with food waste and support our economy. Learn other ways to reduce food waste from…
Globally, up to 30 % of food is thrown out and ends up in landfills. Preventing food spoilage at home can help reduce emissions associated with food waste and support our economy. Learn other ways to reduce food waste from Live Green Toronto.    Buying only what you need, shopping with a list and storing food properly are all great ways to prevent food waste.
To do count: 22
Done count: 2

Repair and reuse products

Repairing and reusing items prolongs their life and prevents more waste from going into landfills. Over 10% of our greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto come from methane emissions generated in our landfills. Many local organizations offer reuse and repair workshops…
Repairing and reusing items prolongs their life and prevents more waste from going into landfills. Over 10% of our greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto come from methane emissions generated in our landfills. Many local organizations offer reuse and repair workshops in Toronto. Search for one near you, or organize a small repair session with your family and friends.
To do count: 7
Done count: 5

Choose durable products

The City of Toronto manages over 900 000 tonnes of waste every year and this requires a lot of energy, money, and resources. By buying more durable items, you help reduce the amount of waste that’s thrown away. This helps…
The City of Toronto manages over 900 000 tonnes of waste every year and this requires a lot of energy, money, and resources. By buying more durable items, you help reduce the amount of waste that's thrown away. This helps save valuable landfill space and reduce emissions associated with the production and disposal of items. When shopping for everyday items like clothes, shoes, cookware, and appliances, review the material list and care instructions before you buy. Higher quality items are often easier to care for and, with proper care, can last for decades.
To do count: 6
Done count: 1

Use less hot water

Water heating can account for nearly 20% of your home energy use. Simple changes, such as using only cold water for laundry, timing the duration of your daily showers and insulating your hot water pipes can reduce your household hot…
Water heating can account for nearly 20% of your home energy use. Simple changes, such as using only cold water for laundry, timing the duration of your daily showers and insulating your hot water pipes can reduce your household hot water use. For more impactful changes, consider getting a drain water heat recovery unit, or a tankless or solar water heater. Visit BetterHomesTO for more information on water heaters and available rebates.
To do count: 11
Done count: 0

Insulate your home

Proper insulation can help make your home more comfortable and quiet. Improperly insulated walls can account for 20% of heat loss in your home. There are many options to consider when looking to update the insulation in your home. Visit BetterHomesTO…
Proper insulation can help make your home more comfortable and quiet. Improperly insulated walls can account for 20% of heat loss in your home. There are many options to consider when looking to update the insulation in your home. Visit BetterHomesTO for more information on financing, grants, and support.
To do count: 5
Done count: 6

Install a rooftop solar system

Renewable energy (like a rooftop solar system) produces no greenhouse gas emissions to generate energy. If you own a house with a sunny roof, installing a renewable rooftop system can be a great way to produce your own electricity and…
Renewable energy (like a rooftop solar system) produces no greenhouse gas emissions to generate energy. If you own a house with a sunny roof, installing a renewable rooftop system can be a great way to produce your own electricity and help save money and the environment in the long-term. Visit the City's SolarTO program to apply for a free residential rooftop assessment. And make sure to apply for the Home Energy Loan Program for low-interest financing for residential renewable systems.
To do count: 3
Done count: 4

Drive a low emissions vehicle (e.g. hybrid or electric car)

Zero-emission vehicles produce no, or significantly lower, tailpipe emissions. These cars operate by mostly using low-carbon energy, like electricity or hydrogen. To reach Toronto’s TransformTO goals, all of the vehicles in our city will need to use low carbon energy…
Zero-emission vehicles produce no, or significantly lower, tailpipe emissions. These cars operate by mostly using low-carbon energy, like electricity or hydrogen. To reach Toronto's TransformTO goals, all of the vehicles in our city will need to use low carbon energy by 2050. The Federal Government provides up to $5000 in rebates for zero-emission vehicles. Visit Transport Canada for more information.
To do count: 3
Done count: 6

Work from home more often and use technology to attend long-distance meetings

Working from home, and avoiding travel to some long-distance meetings can make a significant difference in your weekly routine. Teleworking and teleconferencing can increase your productivity and save on transportation costs. If you are limited to working from home during…
Working from home, and avoiding travel to some long-distance meetings can make a significant difference in your weekly routine. Teleworking and teleconferencing can increase your productivity and save on transportation costs. If you are limited to working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, know that you are helping fight climate change! 
To do count: 5
Done count: 1

Vacation closer to home, avoid air travel

Air travel is one of the biggest individual contributors to climate change. Make your next vacation a staycation and discover our beautiful city and surrounding areas instead of traveling far away. If you have to fly, make sure to travel…
Air travel is one of the biggest individual contributors to climate change. Make your next vacation a staycation and discover our beautiful city and surrounding areas instead of traveling far away. If you have to fly, make sure to travel in economy class, avoid nighttime flights and bring less baggage to minimize the carbon footprint of your flight.
To do count: 2
Done count: 4

Have your say in local governance

Sign up for your Councillor’s updates, participate in Committee & budget meetings and attend public consultations. These are just some of the first steps to have a stronger impact on neighbourhood and city-wide decisions. Find out more and get involved.
Sign up for your Councillor's updates, participate in Committee & budget meetings and attend public consultations. These are just some of the first steps to have a stronger impact on neighbourhood and city-wide decisions. Find out more and get involved.
To do count: 10
Done count: 2

Organize your own group

If you can’t find a local group that is involved in a project that you are interested in, start your own or apply to become a Neighbourhood Climate Action Champion. Contact us for some tips and advice on how to…
If you can't find a local group that is involved in a project that you are interested in, start your own or apply to become a Neighbourhood Climate Action Champion. Contact us for some tips and advice on how to make sure your project is successful.
To do count: 9
Done count: 6

Unplug electronics when not in use (or use a power bar with an on/off switch or timer)

Standby power – the amount of power your electronics use when you are not using them, can account for up to 10% of your home energy cost. Unplugging products that are not in use, or purchasing a power bar with…
Standby power – the amount of power your electronics use when you are not using them, can account for up to 10% of your home energy cost. Unplugging products that are not in use, or purchasing a power bar with a timer, can help reduce the amount of energy that's being wasted in your home. When you go away for an extended period of time, make sure you unplug all unnecessary electronics so that your appliances can have a vacation too.    
To do count: 1
Done count: 9

Reduce the use of air conditioner

Ceiling fans use less energy, but can still keep you comfortable in the warmer months. Try to limit the use of air conditioners to hot days, or nighttime, and set the indoor temperature to 26°C to save energy. When purchasing…
Ceiling fans use less energy, but can still keep you comfortable in the warmer months. Try to limit the use of air conditioners to hot days, or nighttime, and set the indoor temperature to 26°C to save energy. When purchasing a new air conditioner, make sure it's ENERGY STAR® certified to be more energy efficient. Check out BetterHomesTO for more information on air conditioners and available rebates.
To do count: 4
Done count: 1

Volunteer/get involved in climate action in your own neighbourhood or community

There are hundreds of local community organizations that are involved in climate action and environmental engagement in Toronto. Before starting your own project, or community group, it’s a good idea to check if other residents in your neighbourhood are already…
There are hundreds of local community organizations that are involved in climate action and environmental engagement in Toronto. Before starting your own project, or community group, it's a good idea to check if other residents in your neighbourhood are already leading this work. Search our local organization directory to find an organization near you.
To do count: 4
Done count: 2

Buy energy-efficient appliances & lightbulbs

When buying new electronics, look for the ENERGY STAR® certified symbol. Energy efficient devices have special features to cut down on active and stand-by energy use, which saves energy, money and emissions. ENERGY STAR® releases a list of the “most…
When buying new electronics, look for the ENERGY STAR® certified symbol. Energy efficient devices have special features to cut down on active and stand-by energy use, which saves energy, money and emissions. ENERGY STAR® releases a list of the "most efficient" appliances every year. Be sure to look it up before your next purchase.
To do count: 4
Done count: 5

Upgrade to high-efficiency furnace or heat pump

Space heating accounts for more than half of your home’s energy use. Buying a more energy-efficient furnace can make the biggest impact on your energy bill. When shopping for a new furnace, make sure it is ENERGY STAR® certified. Visit…
Space heating accounts for more than half of your home's energy use. Buying a more energy-efficient furnace can make the biggest impact on your energy bill. When shopping for a new furnace, make sure it is ENERGY STAR® certified. Visit BetterHomesTO for more info on types of furnaces, as well as opportunities for financing and rebates.
To do count: 3
Done count: 2

Bike or walk for most of your short trips (5km or under)

Incorporating exercise into your daily trip to work, or school can help you stay healthy, and improve your mood and creativity. Studies find that people who cycle regularly, live longer on average and are less likely to develop heart disease…
Incorporating exercise into your daily trip to work, or school can help you stay healthy, and improve your mood and creativity. Studies find that people who cycle regularly, live longer on average and are less likely to develop heart disease or cancer. If you live less than 10 km from your destination, a convenient cycling route may be within your reach. Make sure to review Toronto's Cycling Network Map to find a safe bike route to your destination.
To do count: 1
Done count: 3

Bike or walk instead of driving to your closest transit stop

If walking or biking all the way to your destination is not an option, consider using active transportation for a part of your journey. To make this easier, most TTC and GO transit stations have designated bicycle parking spots right…
If walking or biking all the way to your destination is not an option, consider using active transportation for a part of your journey. To make this easier, most TTC and GO transit stations have designated bicycle parking spots right by the entrance. Daily moderate aerobic activity, like a brisk walk or a bike ride, can help you stay healthy, improve creativity and support your mental health.
To do count: 4
Done count: 2

Make transit your main mode of transportation

Taking transit is a great way to help reduce traffic and the greenhouse gases associated with climate change. Instead of being stuck behind the wheel, you can read, watch movies or sleep during your ride on transit. As more of…
Taking transit is a great way to help reduce traffic and the greenhouse gases associated with climate change. Instead of being stuck behind the wheel, you can read, watch movies or sleep during your ride on transit. As more of us take transit, there will be fewer cars on the road, which improves air quality for everyone. If taking transit the whole way is not feasible, consider taking transit as a part of your journey. Both TTC and GO Transit are taking all the necessary precautions to keep riders safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
To do count: 4
Done count: 3

Recycle right, and compost your food waste properly

Recycling properly and composting your food waste is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from waste. To meet our TransformTO targets, the City of Toronto has a goal to divert over 95% of our waste from landfills by 2050. Use…
Recycling properly and composting your food waste is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from waste. To meet our TransformTO targets, the City of Toronto has a goal to divert over 95% of our waste from landfills by 2050. Use the City's free Waste Wizard app to check where your waste goes if you aren't sure. If your building doesn't have an organic waste stream, consider starting your own backyard or worm composter.    
To do count: 3
Done count: 2

Bring your own containers (BYOC)

Single-use takeaway items make up a significant portion of Toronto’s waste stream. When not sorted properly, they contaminate the recycling stream causing more waste to be sent to landfills. To make the transition easier to BYOC, keep a reusable container…
Single-use takeaway items make up a significant portion of Toronto's waste stream. When not sorted properly, they contaminate the recycling stream causing more waste to be sent to landfills. To make the transition easier to BYOC, keep a reusable container and a reusable mug at work, school, or your home office. You can find shops and restaurants that support this transition by searching "plastic free" in the Live Green Perks app. The City of Toronto has a Single-Use Plastics strategy. Check it out and sign-up for updates.
To do count: 5
Done count: 1

Choose products with less packaging

Plastic packaging takes a lot of energy to make, takes up space in our landfills and pollutes the environment.   Cutting out unnecessary packaging can be easier than you think. When shopping for items, bring your own containers (or bags)…
Plastic packaging takes a lot of energy to make, takes up space in our landfills and pollutes the environment.   Cutting out unnecessary packaging can be easier than you think. When shopping for items, bring your own containers (or bags) and choose items that are sold in bulk to reduce things that you will need to throw away.
To do count: 0
Done count: 5

Eat locally-grown, in season food

Food grown closer to home has to travel shorter distances from the farm to your plate. Fresh local produce also requires less energy for refrigeration, as it is consumed faster. Buying produce that is grown locally, and in season, can…
Food grown closer to home has to travel shorter distances from the farm to your plate. Fresh local produce also requires less energy for refrigeration, as it is consumed faster. Buying produce that is grown locally, and in season, can reduce key transportation emissions and help mitigate climate change.
To do count: 3
Done count: 1

Volunteer as a 3Rs Ambassador in your building

Help encourage better waste management in your condo, apartment building or co-op by becoming a 3Rs Ambassador with the City of Toronto. Find out more by visiting the 3Rs Ambassador website.
Help encourage better waste management in your condo, apartment building or co-op by becoming a 3Rs Ambassador with the City of Toronto. Find out more by visiting the 3Rs Ambassador website.
To do count: 3
Done count: 1

Become a Live Green Toronto Volunteer

Volunteer with Live Green Toronto to raise awareness about environmental programming and climate action across Toronto. Visit the Live Green Toronto Volunteer website to find out more.
Volunteer with Live Green Toronto to raise awareness about environmental programming and climate action across Toronto. Visit the Live Green Toronto Volunteer website to find out more.
To do count: 7
Done count: 2

Be in the know, subscribe to the Live Green Toronto news and follow us on social media

Sign up for updates from the City of Toronto (e.g. Live Green Toronto, TransformTO, Long Term Waste Strategy, etc.) or other environmental organizations across Canada, to learn more about local climate change policies and opportunities to get involved.
Sign up for updates from the City of Toronto (e.g. Live Green Toronto, TransformTO, Long Term Waste Strategy, etc.) or other environmental organizations across Canada, to learn more about local climate change policies and opportunities to get involved.
To do count: 3
Done count: 3

Adjust your thermostat

Space heating and cooling take up almost two-thirds of your home energy use. Adjusting your thermostat can help save about 8% of your home energy costs. In the winter, set your thermostat to 21°C during the day, and 16°C during…
Space heating and cooling take up almost two-thirds of your home energy use. Adjusting your thermostat can help save about 8% of your home energy costs. In the winter, set your thermostat to 21°C during the day, and 16°C during the night. In the summer, set your thermostat to 26°C. Look for an ENERGY STAR® certified label when buying a new thermostat and check if you qualify for a rebate on a smart thermostat.
To do count: 7
Done count: 24

Use a clothesline or rack to dry your clothes

Around 10% of household energy is used to wash and dry your clothes. Use a foldable indoor drying rack, or set up a clothing line outside in warmer months to help save energy and prolong the life of your clothes.
Around 10% of household energy is used to wash and dry your clothes. Use a foldable indoor drying rack, or set up a clothing line outside in warmer months to help save energy and prolong the life of your clothes.
To do count: 15
Done count: 3

Seal leaks in your windows and doors

Air sealing is one of the simplest ways to prevent the loss of energy in your home. It should be the first step you consider to make your home more energy-efficient. Proper air sealing can help you save over 30%…
Air sealing is one of the simplest ways to prevent the loss of energy in your home. It should be the first step you consider to make your home more energy-efficient. Proper air sealing can help you save over 30% of your energy costs. Visit BetterHomesTO for more information on air sealing and available rebates.
To do count: 2
Done count: 6

Carpool instead of driving alone

Carpooling is a great way to save money, make new friends, and help combat pollution and congestion in our city. As a passenger, you can also relax and do whatever you want while commuting. To stay safe during the COVID-19…
Carpooling is a great way to save money, make new friends, and help combat pollution and congestion in our city. As a passenger, you can also relax and do whatever you want while commuting. To stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, please limit carpooling to people within your household.
To do count: 7
Done count: 4

Drive a high fuel efficiency vehicle

Vehicle emissions are one of the key contributors to climate change. When shopping for a new car, make sure to consider the long term cost of gas in your budget. Choosing a vehicle that’s more fuel-efficient may be the best…
Vehicle emissions are one of the key contributors to climate change. When shopping for a new car, make sure to consider the long term cost of gas in your budget. Choosing a vehicle that's more fuel-efficient may be the best long-term plan for your pocket and the environment.   Regular vehicles (non-hybrid or electric cars) should have a fuel efficiency of under 8 Litres per 100 km.
To do count: 6
Done count: 4

Drive smart, avoid speeding and properly inflate your car tires

Using your gas and brake pedals sparingly, reducing your speed, and inflating your tires properly can improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicle, improve gas mileage by up to 10%, and help to reduce harmful emissions.
Using your gas and brake pedals sparingly, reducing your speed, and inflating your tires properly can improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicle, improve gas mileage by up to 10%, and help to reduce harmful emissions.
To do count: 4
Done count: 3

Do not idle your vehicle

Toronto has an Idling Control By-law that limits idling to less than 1 minute in a 60-minute period. Vehicle emissions are not only harmful to the environment but can also harm your health. If you are stopped for longer than…
Toronto has an Idling Control By-law that limits idling to less than 1 minute in a 60-minute period. Vehicle emissions are not only harmful to the environment but can also harm your health. If you are stopped for longer than 60 seconds, follow the by-law and turn your car off. It's the law!
To do count: 3
Done count:

Grow your own food

Growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs at home makes their trip to your plate even shorter and prevents harmful transportation-related emissions. It’s also a fun way to learn a new skill and create a relationship with your food. For tips on…
Growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs at home makes their trip to your plate even shorter and prevents harmful transportation-related emissions. It's also a fun way to learn a new skill and create a relationship with your food. For tips on how to get growing on a balcony, rooftop patio, or backyard, visit Live Green Toronto.
To do count: 6
Done count: 5

Buy vintage or second-hand items

Buying second-hand items can save you money and reduce emissions generated by the production and disposal of products.  Toronto has many excellent second-hand and vintage shops. Search for one near you, or organize a small swap event with your family…

Buying second-hand items can save you money and reduce emissions generated by the production and disposal of products.

 Toronto has many excellent second-hand and vintage shops. Search for one near you, or organize a small swap event with your family or friends.

To do count: 4
Done count: 6